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Hanging Signs
These hanging signs are made of aluminum, a material that makes them extremely light and easy to transport. This aluminum tube structure is covered with a 100% elastic, washable and fire-retardant polyester fabric cover, which has a zipper to hide the frame.
Includes hook, tensioners and nylon backpack to store and transport it.
We deliver in Mexico and the United States
Torre Colgante Circular | Torre Colgante Cuadrada | Torre Colgante Hexagonal |
Círculo DecrecienteCírculo Decreciente | EspiralEspiral | Tres RectosTres Rectos |
Triángulo DecrecienteTriángulo Decreciente | Triángulo CurvoTriángulo Curvo | RectangularRectangular |
Triángulo CurvoTriángulo Curvo | CuadradoECCU33 de 300 cm. | Cuadrado CurvoCuadrado Curvo |
Circulo AplanadoCirculo Aplanado | Triangulo | CircularECC33 de 300 cm. |
Keywords: Advertising Hanging, Advertising Hanging Structure, Hanging Ring Stand, Advertising Stand, Hanging Structure
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